Patent Illustrations
Utility Drawings
Utility drawings often depict the pieces of a device, assemblies, electric circuits, components of a system, or flowchart of a process, depending on what is claimed in the patent. The drawings must be made in accordance with the Patent Law to satisfy the demands of the nation where the patent is filed, including the India Patent Office, United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), EPO, WIPO, CHINA, ARIPO, South Korea, or any other countries.
Design Drawings
Design patent drawings are depictions of the design of a manufactured article. They are utilised in design patent applications. Any curves, shapes, material textures, characteristics, and proportions must all be described in depth. Every aspect that may be seen when using a product must be shown in detail on design patent drawings.
Utility Patent Drawings
Utility patent drawings /illustrations are one of the most vital part of Utility patent which makes any complex invention easily understandable. These drawings are an important part of the utility patent application,
as they can help to provide a clearer understanding of the invention or
innovation and may be used to support the claims made in the patent
The utility patent drawings can consist of Mechanical structures / components, Chemical Structures, Bio-Medical Devices, Electrical Devices and Circuit Diagrams, Flow Charts, Graphs, Maps, Web Screens/Interfaces, Mobile Screens/Interfaces etc.
Design Patent Drawings
Design patent drawings are meant to express the aesthetic appearance of any product which is intended to be protected as Design patent. In order to protect a Design, it becomes necessary to prepare all possible views, e.g. Perspective view, Front view, Back view, Left side view, Right side view, Top view, Bottom view and Exploded view. Design drawings must meet specific technical requirements such as line thickness, shading, consistency and scale.